Thursday, August 13, 2009

free doll

i would love to have the doll for my daughter to have when she is old enough. i am a mother of 4 and right now with the economy the way it is and my husband only working 20 hrs a week i need all the luck i can get. so far i am able to save my home, but i think i will have to lose my car. i know there are people out there in worse situations then me, but i have always been a generious person at heart. if his hrs do pick up and more money comes into my life i will help others with it. recently i just sent a little girl in N.C. some money for her dr. bills. it wasn't much but i know she needed it more than me. so i guess my reason for wanting the doll is this, i would love to have luck for more money, protection for my family, and something to pass down to her. also if good luck should come my way i would like to bless others like i used to.

cheryl jobe